Our Team


Kevin Roberts Director & Independent Financial  Advisor Tel: 01437 767753 or 07747847804 Email: kevin@mtpolo.co.uk
Wanda Woodward Independent Mortgage & Protection Advisor Tel: 01437 767753 or 07771593357  Email: wanda@mtpolo.co.uk 
Sarah Thomas Independent Mortgage & Protection Advisor Tel: 01437 767753 or 07958185221  Email: sarah@mtpolo.co.uk 
Jessica Smith Independent Mortgage & Protection Advisor Tel: 01437 767753 or 07809618011  Email: jess@mtpolo.co.uk 
Jane Jones Office Administrator

Tel: 01437 767753 Email: enquiries@mtpolo.co.uk


Stuart Miller Director & Independent Financial Advisor  Mobile: 07900893134  Email: stuart@mtpolo.co.uk 
Ellen McDonnell  Independent Mortgage & Protection Advisor  Mobile: 07803299289  Email: ellen@mtpolo.co.uk 
Rodney Collins  Independent Financial Advisor

Mobile: 07811283644  Email: rod@mtpolo.co.uk 
Sarah Dawkin Independent Mortgage & Protection Advisor Mobile: 07930962058 Email: sarahdawkin@mtpolo.co.uk 
Claire Collins Office Administrator Tel: 01633495395  


Chris Morgan Independent Financial Advisor

Mobile: 07816825891 Email: chris@mtpolo.co.uk
James Murray Independent Mortgage & Protection Advisor Mobile: 07446185336 Email: james.murray@mtpolo.co.uk
Stephen Roe Independent Mortgage & Protection Advisor Mobile: 07990562567 Email: steve@mtpolo.co.uk
Rebecca Thompson Office Administrator

Tel: 01792 883925 Email: rebecca@mtpolo.co.uk
Owain Morgan Office Administrator

Tel: 01792 883925 Email: owain@mtpolo.co.uk


Garry Hamilton Independent Mortgage & Protection Advisor Mobile: 07816919856 Email: garry@mtpolo.co.uk
Marianne Morfey Independent Mortgage & Protection Advisor Mobile: 07761490635 Email: marianne@mtpolo.co.uk
Sarah Harris Independent Mortgage & Protection Advisor Mobile: 07932953506 Email: sarahh@mtpolo.co.uk
Rachel John Office Administrator

 Tel: 01443 303044  

Ceredigion & 

Aled Jones Independent Mortgage & Protection Advisor Mobile: 07816112316 Email: aled@mtpolo.co.uk

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